Ford Kuga
 Owners Manual
Driving Aids
Eco Mode

This system assists you in driving more efficiently by constantly monitoring characteristics of gear changing, anticipation of traffic conditions and speeds while driving.

The value of these characteristics is represented by petals shown in the display, with five petals being the most efficient.

The more efficiently you drive, the better the rating, and the better your vehicle's overall fuel economy.

Note: These efficiency values do not result in a defined fuel consumption figure. It might vary as it is not only related to these driving habits, but also influenced by many other factors such as short trips and cold starts.

Note: Frequent short trips, where the engine does not fully warm up, will also increase fuel consumption

The system is accessed using the information display control

Type 1

A Gear shifting

B Anticipation

C Efficient speed

Gear shifting

Use the highest drivable gear appropriate for the road conditions to improve fuel consumption.


Adjust your vehicle speed and the distance to other vehicles to avoid the need for heavy braking or acceleration to improve fuel economy.

Efficient speed

Reduce your cruising speed on open roads to improve economy. Higher speeds use more fuel.

Type 2 and 3

The relevant information is shown in the display.

Resetting Eco Mode

Reset the average fuel consumption by using the information display control.

Note: New values may take a short time to calculate

    More about «Driving Aids»:

    Speed Limiter

    Driver Alert

    Lane Keeping System

    Blind Spot Information System

    Traffic Sign Recognition

    Active City Stop

    Eco Mode

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