Ford Kuga
 Service Manual
Noise, Vibration and Harshness
Road Test Quick Checks

1. 24-80 km/h (15-50 mph): with light acceleration, a moaning noise is heard and possibly a vibration felt in the front floor panel. It is usually worse at a particular engine speed and at a particular throttle setting during acceleration at that speed. It may also produce a moaning sound, depending on what component is causing it. REFER to Tip-in Moan in the Driveline Noise and Vibration Symptom Chart.

2. Acceleration/Deceleration: With slow acceleration and deceleration, a shake is  sometimes noticed in the steering wheel/column, seats, front floor panel, front door trim panel or front end sheet metal. It is a low frequency vibration (around 9-15 cycles per second). It may or may not be increased by applying the brakes lightly. REFER to Idle Boom/Shake/Vibration in the Driveline Noise and Vibration Symptom Chart.

3. High Speed: A vibration is felt in the front floor panel or seats with no visible shake, but with an accompanying sound or rumble, buzz, hum, drone or booming noise. Coast with the clutch pedal depressed (manual transmission) or shift control selector lever in "N" (NEUTRAL) (automatic transmission) and engine idling. If vibration is still evident, it may be related to wheels, tires, front brake discs, wheel hubs or front wheel bearings. REFER to Shake and Vibration While Driving in the Driveline Noise and Vibration Symptom Chart.

4. Engine rpm Sensitive: A vibration is felt whenever the engine reaches a particular rpm.

It will disappear in neutral coasts. The vibration can be duplicated by operating the engine at the problem rpm while the vehicle is stationary.

It can be caused by any component, from the accessory drive belt to the clutch or torque converter which turns at engine speed when the vehicle is stopped. REFER to Shake and Vibration While Driving in the Driveline Noise and Vibration Symptom Chart.

5. Noise and Vibration While Turning: Clicking, popping or grinding noises may be due to the following: - worn, damaged or incorrectly installed front wheel bearing.

- damaged powertrain/drivetrain mounts.

Inspection and Verification

1. Verify the customer concern.

2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of mechanical or electrical damage.

3. If an obvious cause for an observed or reported concern is found, correct the cause (if possible) before proceeding to the next step.

4. If the concern is not visually evident, verify the symptom and REFER to the Symptom Chart.

How to Use this Diagnostic Procedure Section

  • Noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) concerns have become more important as vehicles have become more sensitive to these vibrations. This section is designed to aid in identifying these concerns.
  • The section provides diagnostic procedures based on symptom. If the condition occurs at high speed, for instance, the most likely place to start is under Shake and Vibration While Driving.
  • The road test procedure will tell how to sort the conditions into categories and how to tell a vibration from a shake.
  • A series of Road Test Quick Checks are provided to make sure that a cause is either pinpointed or eliminated.
  • Name the condition, proceed to the appropriate section and locate the correct diagnosis. When the condition is identified, the job is partly done.
  • Follow the diagnostic procedure as outlined.
  • Quick Checks are described within the step, while more involved tests and adjustments are outlined in General Procedures.
  • Always follow each step exactly and make notes to recall important findings later.

Customer Interview

The road test and customer interview (if available) provide information that will help identify the concern and will provide direction to the correct starting point for diagnosis.

Identify the Condition

NVH usually occur in four areas:

  • tires
  • engine accessories
  • suspension
  • driveline

It is important, therefore, that an NVH concern be isolated into its specific area(s) as soon as possible. The easiest and quickest way to do this is to carry out the Road Test as outlined. To assist in the diagnosis and testing procedure(s), use a suitable approved NVH diagnosis tester.

    More about «Noise, Vibration and Harshness»:

    Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH)

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    Road Test Quick Checks

    Noise Diagnostic Procedure

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    Power Steering Conditions

    Power Steering Operation Noise Check

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